Is It Just Entertainment?

My sister may not like me for this post.

I’ve been limiting the amount of reality television I watch. I was watching so many at one point. These shows seemed amusing and were always something to watch out of boredom. But then I came to my senses.

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Niche vs Versatility

I got fired from my most recent internship a couple months ago. The editor told me I was “too niche”. I won’t go into detail (I’m still lying and telling people my internship contract ended). Let’s just say I left there with puffy eyes and a runny nose.

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25 Before 25

My best friend and I decided to start something really exciting close to a year ago. Actually she came to me with the idea and said it would be perfect if I journal it through a blog (Almost a year ago…I told you I procrastinate.)

The idea: creating a bucket list of 25 goals to achieve by the time we both turn 25 years old. So its 25 before 25.

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